Thursday, June 30, 2011

I'm back

Yeah, I didn't blog about last week's shows.  There were several reasons for that
  1. It was the last week of school and I was busy and tired.
  2. We had to travel to Florida for the weekend for a family thing.
  3. I was really angry that they eliminated Iveta.
  4. I know no one is reading this.
So, given #4 above, why I am continuing?  Beats the heck outta me.  Anyhow, I'm moving on. If there's anybody coming with me, even better.   Yes, I was angry they eliminated Iveta.  I thought she was far better in both the performance show and her solo than Ryan. 

Ryan had an irritating and inappropriate smile on her face the entire time,

and her solo was a desparate mess.

  I suspected that they chose Iveta over her because of a desire to make Ryan the "story" of season 8.  So I went into last night's performance show resenting Ryan and expecting to dislike her performance. 
However, she really grew as a result of that close-call.  Nigel had mentioned the smile to her and she didn't have a stupid face on last night.  She took the notes and improved.  Also, I thought about her performance in the contemporary piece, and I realized that Iveta probably couldn't have pulled it off.  So I guess they made the right decision, and Ryan is no longer my enemy.

Another person who seems to have taken his notes is Robert.  There was nary a woo across the entire show last night.  He is far less irritating now.

I think it's obvious that the producers manipulate who gets what style of dance, and I think that they put hits on on people by giving them unpopular dances.  Iveta was torpedoed by that lame bollywood number, and I think last night's victims were Jess and Clarice.  They danced that foxtrot brilliantly and it was gorgeous, but I don't think a number like that is a natural "vote getter".

Finally, a few shout out to my favorite routines of the last 2 weeks
Melanie and Marko can do no wrong as far as I'm concerned.

I was really impressed by Miranda's hip hop performance last week.

And Ashley and Chris's "Jailhouse Jazz" was so fantastic!

Guest judges:
Debbie Reynolds in particular was a hoot. Love, love, love her. 

Kristen Chenoweth, whom I usually love, was rather annoying with all that "shut the door" nonsense. She's getting a little terrifying-looking too. She could have starred in that zombie routine with a little less spray tan.

And finally, OMG did I love Cat's look last night. Perfection.  She's really hit or miss.  That yellow number last week was particularly bad. This, however, was faaaaaaaaabulous.

So who should go home?  Well, I think the bottom 3 are going to be Ashley and Chris for that unfortunate Sonya zombie number, Clarice and Jess as producer victims, and (even though they got praised) Mitchell and Caitlin for that Samba.  Her costume was ridiculous in my opinion.

I think it will be Caitlin and Mitchell who go home.  But if I have learned one thing from watching this show all these years, it's that I don't have any idea who is going to be eliminated.  I'll have to sit tight and see. 

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