Friday, June 10, 2011

Top 20

Choosing the Top 20
OK, 8 seasons in and I think they finally chose dancers solely on talent and not on fan-girl/boy appeal! I was so happy when they sent that douche guy home! I can't remember his name, you know, the one who stormed off and stamped his foot during Mia's contemporary routine in Vegas a season or two ago. Anyway, I was just calling him "Douche Guy" and I was afraid he would make it for squealing-teen-appeal. But they cut him! And he was, typically, a douche about it. Didn't say "Thanks" or "Congrats" to the other dude, just set his jaw and looked like, well, a douche. Anyhow. Enough about him. The other one I was really glad to see get eliminated was Nathalia, the plus-size dancer (whose sister Sasha DID make it.) Now, on the off chance that ANYONE other than me is reading this, let me assure you Random Unknown Reader, that I am probably twice the size of Nathalia. This is NOT a fat-hating thing. I'm fat! This is the solid fact that a girl that size cannot successfully partner with anyone other than a big strong dude. That's not how the show works (and they eliminated the Professor.) I admire her dancing, but she was not right for the show's format and I was disgusted how they patronized her and strung her along.

Thoughts on the Top 20
OK, so who did make it? I like Melanie a lot. Did you see that little sailor dress she was wearing? Adorable. Ryan is clearly the "feel good" contestant. She got totally fucked last season when Lil C came to her house and told her she didn't make it. That was a horrifying format. So glad that's done. Anyhow. I also like the little Broadway kid Jess. Yeah, he's probably an arrogant little prick, but he's 18 and look at how good he is. He has a right to be proud of himself.

I pulled the list from here because I don't know all their names yet.


1. Melanie Moore – Contemporary

2. Miranda Maleski – Contemporary

3. Ryan Ramirez – Contemporary

4. Jordan Casanova – Jazz

5. Sasha Mallory – Contemporary/Hip Hop

6. Ashley Rich – Contemporary

7. Caitlyn Lawson – Contemporary

8. Iveta Lukosiute – Ballroom

9. Missy Morelli – Contemporary Jazz

10. Clarice Ordaz – Jazz


1. Ricky Jaime – Contemporary

2. Marko Germar – Contemporary/Jazz/Hip Hop

3. Jess LeProtto – Musical Theatre/Broadway

4. Robert Taylor Jr. – Hip Hop

5. Nick Young – Tap

6. Tadd Gadduang – Breaking

7. Chris Koehl – Hip Hop/Breaker

8. Wadi Jones – Hip Hop/Breaker

9. Alexander F. – Ballet

10. Mitchell – Contemporary

The Top 20 Show
Loved the new format! It's far better than stringing out the reveals for an hour with heart-wrenching stories in between. Also, as I said above, a very welcome change from last year's travel to the house bullshit. (Although I remember being quite amused by Nigel's odyssey in Waupakaneta or however you spell that hick nowhere town Kent was from...)
The routines were quite cool. Anything by Travis and Sonya makes me cheer. Not so much Dave Scott's hip-hop routine. I loved that "Matrix" routine with all the guys and Sonya's routine for the girls was spectacular. Love, love, love!
Cat's dress was nice, but I wasn't a fan of all that Battenburg lace. A wee bit bridal for me. And Cat, we call it a bow tie in America. "Dicky bow" just sounds dirty and Travis was clearly bewildered until he sorted out what you meant! And you finally have a competitor for best legs on the show! Woah, Iveta!
Do you think those diamonds on Mary Murphy were real? Holy shit.
OK, I think that about covers it. I'll get some screen shots going soon.

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