Wednesday, July 13, 2011

No tv here!

I just want to point out that I am at Silver Bay for the Mock Trial Summer Institute.  There are no televisions and limited internet (besides the fact that I'm working!)  so I won't be able to watch this week's shows until I return home on Saturday.  I'll be back with opinions and snark ASAP.  No spoilers!

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Shocking Results Show!

I can't believe what happened tonight.  I was shocked that Ryan and Ricky were in the bottom as opposed to Sasha and Alexander, however, I knew that both of them would be safe.  I had no problem with Chris going home.  But sending Ashley home instead of Jordan was just insane.  Jordan has nothing left to offer.  I am appalled at the judges decision and I am very, very sorry for poor Ashley, whom I think is excellent.  She got screwed by routines and by her assigned partner.  She deserved better.

Top 14 Performance Show

I was frankly underwhelmed by last night's show.  It seemed to be an episode of "So You Think You Can Choreograph" and most of the new choreographers didn't impress me.  The only thing that was really great was Travis Walls on the judging panel.  His comments and critiques were excellent and really helpful.  What's the point of the judge’s commentary if they don't offer real notes?  He did, and was charming to boot!  I absolutely adore him.  Carmen Electra, on the other hand, is about as useful as a poopy-flavored lollipop.  What a waste of airtime she was!

Cat was dressed in a darling Asian-inspired number.  As usual, she got the shoes wrong.  This was the dress that called for those strappy silver sandals, not the nude pumps she was wearing!  Her hair was swept up into a messy pony-tail and I didn't get that at all.

Bottom 3
As I said, I wasn't a big fan of most of the routines, however, Sasha and Alexander's was downright bad.  For once Nigel and I were on the same wavelength.  We both thought it looked amateurish.  I think he called it "Hip Hop 101" and I quite agree.  It was lame.  They are definitely in the bottom 3 tonight, and I think Alexander is in real danger of going home.  I think Sasha is very strong and I think they'll keep her.

I also believe that Chris and Ashley are in danger.  Their salsa was not great.  Why in the world did they put him in white?  It just accented all of his weaknesses.  Overall, in such a strong season, he's not long for this competition.  Chris is Jim's pick to go home tonight.  Ashley was lovely in that blue dress but the routine was not a success.

The third couple I believe will be in danger is Jordan and Tadd.  They got weak praise, but I think this was not a good routine for her.  She was too choppy and sharp as opposed to flowing and elegant.  I think Jordan is going home.

The Ryan Situation Revealed
Last night revealed why Ryan is the producer's darling.  Oh, she's Mia Michael’s protégé?  Oh, that will have nothing to do with her being judged fairly, I'm sure.  And on a night of mediocre routines, again, she gets the one that's spectacular.  Last week it was the emotional vote, last night it was a fun and quirky Mandy Moore routine (on a night of weak and boring choreography.)  Yes, she's strong, but she's not better than Melanie and I hate the way the show it clearly being manipulated to favor her.  She's back to being my enemy.

Friday, July 1, 2011

Top 16 Results Show

Look Ma, no chain!
 Hm.  Well, I predicted the bottom couples correctly, swapping Jess and Clarice for Miranda and Robert.  As soon as the two of them walked on stage, I said, "Oh, I totally forgot about them!" and immediately changed my opinion as to who would go home.  If you had threatened my life, I don't think I would have remembered that routine they did last week.  Apparently, to use a Cat-ism, neither did America.   I liked Miranda better than Caitlin, but I don't disagree with the decision to send them home.

In other news, Jim took one look at Cat and said, "Is that a vagazzled necklace?" Did anyone else notice her pastel butterfly "necklace" was actually stuck onto her?  Awkward AND ugly, I thought.  Isn't that supposed to be located above a pair of Apple Bottom Jeans?

The guest routines were gorgeous.
Axis Dance Company

And Eric Luna and Georgia Ambarian. This guy is a super-fidge and she apparently has a titanium lady piece with a convenient handle.

Thursday, June 30, 2011

I'm back

Yeah, I didn't blog about last week's shows.  There were several reasons for that
  1. It was the last week of school and I was busy and tired.
  2. We had to travel to Florida for the weekend for a family thing.
  3. I was really angry that they eliminated Iveta.
  4. I know no one is reading this.
So, given #4 above, why I am continuing?  Beats the heck outta me.  Anyhow, I'm moving on. If there's anybody coming with me, even better.   Yes, I was angry they eliminated Iveta.  I thought she was far better in both the performance show and her solo than Ryan. 

Ryan had an irritating and inappropriate smile on her face the entire time,

and her solo was a desparate mess.

  I suspected that they chose Iveta over her because of a desire to make Ryan the "story" of season 8.  So I went into last night's performance show resenting Ryan and expecting to dislike her performance. 
However, she really grew as a result of that close-call.  Nigel had mentioned the smile to her and she didn't have a stupid face on last night.  She took the notes and improved.  Also, I thought about her performance in the contemporary piece, and I realized that Iveta probably couldn't have pulled it off.  So I guess they made the right decision, and Ryan is no longer my enemy.

Another person who seems to have taken his notes is Robert.  There was nary a woo across the entire show last night.  He is far less irritating now.

I think it's obvious that the producers manipulate who gets what style of dance, and I think that they put hits on on people by giving them unpopular dances.  Iveta was torpedoed by that lame bollywood number, and I think last night's victims were Jess and Clarice.  They danced that foxtrot brilliantly and it was gorgeous, but I don't think a number like that is a natural "vote getter".

Finally, a few shout out to my favorite routines of the last 2 weeks
Melanie and Marko can do no wrong as far as I'm concerned.

I was really impressed by Miranda's hip hop performance last week.

And Ashley and Chris's "Jailhouse Jazz" was so fantastic!

Guest judges:
Debbie Reynolds in particular was a hoot. Love, love, love her. 

Kristen Chenoweth, whom I usually love, was rather annoying with all that "shut the door" nonsense. She's getting a little terrifying-looking too. She could have starred in that zombie routine with a little less spray tan.

And finally, OMG did I love Cat's look last night. Perfection.  She's really hit or miss.  That yellow number last week was particularly bad. This, however, was faaaaaaaaabulous.

So who should go home?  Well, I think the bottom 3 are going to be Ashley and Chris for that unfortunate Sonya zombie number, Clarice and Jess as producer victims, and (even though they got praised) Mitchell and Caitlin for that Samba.  Her costume was ridiculous in my opinion.

I think it will be Caitlin and Mitchell who go home.  But if I have learned one thing from watching this show all these years, it's that I don't have any idea who is going to be eliminated.  I'll have to sit tight and see. 

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Episode 7: The Bottom 3

So many questions, first and foremost among them being: Why is Robert dressed in a Hulk Hogan costume?

Robert and Miranda, Clarice and Jess, Jordan and Tadd and Mitchell (because he couldn't perform Weds) were all in the bottom.

I didn't find any of the bottom couples particularly shocking.  Jim and I are both over Robert and his WOOing and we pretty much thought he'd be the first to go (and Miranda with him) since they generally don't like to break up couples this early on.

And then the solos happened.

Robert: I didn't think he was that strong.  Actually, it would have been stronger if he had ripped his shirt like the Hulk.

Jess: He's awesome. I adore him.

Miranda: I wasn't that impressed, but Nigel loves her.

Clarice: I thought this was pretty lame.

Tadd: This is good fun.

Jordan: To paraphrase Tyce, "You dirty, naughty girl!" Hate the one pompom tit.

Mitchell: He is so talented. I hate John Mayer, but this was a great solo.

And then the BIG SHOCKER: Nigel asked Mitchell and Robert to dance again. The judges put their heads together and decided not to decide. No one goes home! The show goes on for ever and ever!
Look, here's the thing. It was totally unfair to let all sorts of people dance in their own styles. They need to dance outside their styles and then we can see what they can do. So next week, everybody had better be outside their comfort zone. That's my opinion, anyway.

Episode 7:Results Show

The Results show opened with a fantastic S&M cabaret group number by Sonya to XR2 by M.I.A. It was really hot. I was particularly impressed with Jess, showing he could break out of the Broadway style and be hardsz67y,7,.

Cat was in a demure bright pink frock with her hair gorgeously smooth.  She looked lovely.

Friday, June 17, 2011

Episode 6: Ashley and Chris, Iveta and Nick

Ashley and Chris
Hip hop, Christopher Scott, "Forget You" by Celo Green

This was a fun routine but it was placed in the wrong line up on this episode.  After the emotional gorgeousness of "Turned to Stone", this was a jarring note.  However, it was very good and Ashley, a ballerina, tore it up!  That's my belief: the ballet dancers are always ah-mazing because of the intense training they undergo, so it doesn't matter what style is thrown at them.  Their bodies are fine-tuned machines that are trained to move any way they have to.  Anyhow, I thought Ashley was better than Chris.  He looked a little uncomfortable in choreography and Nigel called him on it during the commentary.
Here's the video with no sound.  You'll have to sing to yourself since there's some copyright nonsense.  So make it dirty and sing the "Fuck You" version instead. The actual routine starts at about 1:44.
I see you pulled the sound from my video and I'm like
It seems my disclaimer wasn't enough and I'm like

Ah, has posted it. Here we go:

Iveta and Nick
Quickstep, Gilkison, "Ballroom Blitz" by Sweet
This was pretty much an exhbition piece for Iveta.  Not only is she dacing in her style, but she is the WORLD CHAMPION in quickstep.  It was fun to see, but kind of bullshit honestly.  More on that later when I get to the "elimination" show (on which no one was eliminated.)
It was fun, Nick the tapper has fast feet so he kept up beautifully, and it was probably one of the only times quickstep has been done well on this show.  That might have been why they did it as well; to show that quickstep isn't a total drag when it's done right!  The music and costumes were just right and I think it was a good way to end the program.

Missy and Wadi, Melanie and Marko

Missy and Wadi
Jazz, Sean Cheeseman, "Judas" (R3HAR Mix) by Lady Gaga
I liked the idea of them breaking out of the boxes.  Wadi does parkour, so I thought he would use the surfaces more than he did.  The second part was way more excited than the beginning.  Mary and Nigel both liked this routine a lot more than we did.  It was good, but this season is going to be about being exceptional, as evidenced by the next routine

Melanie and Marko
Contemporary, Travis Walls, "Turned to Stone" by Ingrid Michaelson
It's no secret that Melanie is my favorite.  There's just something about her that has grabbed me from the beginning.  She was so spectacular in this unbelievable piece that I almost wept.  Everything from her eyes to the tips of her fingers expresses the dance.  I felt that the silly greek statue costumes actually detracted from this performance.  There was no need for them.  The dance itself was all that was needed.  Marko was phenomenal too, but I was obsessed with Melanie.  It instantly rocketed up the charts to one of my favorite routines of all time.

There are so many amazing moments in this.... my favorite is at about 3:09 when she throws herself into the air with such abandon and yet such control...  another is at about 3:23 when takes a breath in, creating this tension.... I can't.  It's too gorgeous.  Clearly the judges agree, as all of them were on their feet.

Aside: Melanie, "I used to wear a helmet because I'm narcoleptic"?
And Marko is from Guam?  That's kind of random.

Episode 6: Ryan and Ricky, Caitlyn and Mitchell, Miranda and Robert

Ryan and Ricky
Lyrical hip hop, Christopher Scott, "Ain't No Sunshine When She's Gone" by Lighthouse Factory
This was a great routine and Ryan's locks and isolations were terrific. However, Jim called it when he pointed out her pasted on smile. Nigel wondered why she was grinning like a maniac while Ricky was ripping his heart out.

Caitlyn and Mitchell
Jazz, Sonya Tayeh, "In for the Kill" by La Roux
Mitchell hurt his elbow so Douchebag of Season 7 Robert filled in for him. I thought it wasn't the greatest routine. I love Sonya, but I thought it was just a standard mix of a Sonya techniques, nothing amazing. I also wasn't that impressed with Caitlyn. Apparently, I have no clue, because the judges fell over themselves telling her how wonderful she was. Meh.

Aside on this one? Ew, Mitchell clearly has a sweating problem, yet he chooses to wear that weird rag that doesn't even cover his torso in rehearsal. Gross!

Miranda and Robert
Jive, Jason Gilkinson, "Runaway Baby" by Bruno Mars
I loved the vision of this piece: the mod black and white clothes, the sliver go-go boots, but I just didn't think the dancers did a great job. There was something off about it, for me. Jim hates Robert and is ready to stab him for the constant "WOO"ing. We were pleased when Nigel pointed out that having a trademark "woo" is not enough to get him through the competition. Mary loved it.
I can't find the video. What a drag.

Episode 6: Jordan and Tadd, Sasha and Alexander, Clarice and Jess

Jordan and Tadd
Afro-Jazz, choreographed by Sean Cheeseman, performed to AfroCelt Sound Machine.
It was quite good. She already has that wild style down from her sexy jazz style so I thought she was a natural. The routine was interesting and fun. Tadd pulled it together and was quite credible despite his hip hop background. As an aside; she mentioned she wants to be a Pussy cat Doll. Ugh.
The video won't play here, click through to YouTube

 I also don't understand why the hair and makeup people made him look like Ruffio from "Hook."  It's not the first time they've done this look either.  Not good.

Sasha and Alexander
Contemporary, Travis Walls, "Stupid" by Sarah MacLachlan
I thought the title of the song described the outfits perfectly. HOWEVER it was beautifully choreographed and performed. Sasha in particular was remarkable. The judges got down on Alexander for not "making a connection" with Sasha, but I thought the story was that she was his conscience. It makes sense to me that he avoided facing her. Nigel clarified that he wanted more emotion from Alexander and I can kind of see that. He has that clenched-jaw thing going on that so many guys do. Nerdy aside: I found it interesting that he's from Alhmabra CA and looks like he could be a Almoravid Prince at the real Alhambra.

Clarice and Jess
Broadway, Tyce Diorio,"Me and My Baby" by Liza Minelli
Jim and I didn't think we saw any chemistry between them, but the judges didn't seem to agree. Jess is just so damn talented. The judges warned Clarice that she might be left in the dust by the other "beasts" among the girls and indicated that Jess out danced her. I thought they were a little hard on her.

Iveta's Fashion

Can we chat for just a minute about the things that Iveta wears?  Girl has an unending variety of animal-print unitards with strategic cut-outs.  And the gold stretch lamé one piece cat suit she wore for intros last night?  Girlfriend could outdress Ru Paul.  I'm looking for pics.  

Episode 6: Performances

I normally watch the show live (at a slight delay on my DVR so I don't have to watch commercials) but this week's performance show coincided with Game 7 of the Stanley Cup Finals which trumped it this week.  Therefore, we watched both the performance and the results show on Thursday night.
Let's get down to the performance show.

Cat's wearing a LBD in a slinky black sequin fabric.  Love it.  She has a smudgey eye and has JBF hair.  Jim comments that she looks like she's doing the Walk of Shame.  Hilarious.  She's gorgeous, of course, but he was totally right.

The guest judge is Megan Mullaly, who I can only see as Tammy Swanson from Parks and Recreation.

She looks kind of crazy with a big mahogany bouffant, and I was wondering what she was doing on the show until they revealed she used to dance with a ballet company and studied at ABT. Didn't see that coming at all.

Saturday, June 11, 2011

World Shattering News!

This is the big story from Pop Eater. Arnie asked Mary's makeup artist for a kiss in an elevator. Woo hoo. I imagine you could play "6 Degrees of Arnie" in Hollywood at this point.
Everybody's got an Arnie story, whether it happened to them or not. Sort of like Simone (Kristy Swanson) in Ferris Bueller's Day Off

The headline made me think that Mary did the Forbidden Dance of Love with him. Lameness indeed. However, she did indicate that she probably won't be dancing on the show again, at least this season. Lots of people hate Mary, but I like her. She adds that element of crazy to the panel!

Friday, June 10, 2011

The Boys

The Girls

Iveta and Pasha (sadly, with a shirt on.) Love the little finger curl thing she does at the very end.

Ricky, Melanie, Miranda and Sasha

Jordan, Missy, Clarice and Marko. Oh Sonya, I love you so! The hard-core "butter churn" motion is really sick!

Chris, Wadi, Tadd, and Robert. Not a fan of Dave Scott or the Urkle look. Twitch did it, it's done.

Mitchell, Caitlin, Ashley, Alexander and Ryan. Travis is so wonderful! Ryan was clearly the star here.

Nick and Jess

Top 20

Choosing the Top 20
OK, 8 seasons in and I think they finally chose dancers solely on talent and not on fan-girl/boy appeal! I was so happy when they sent that douche guy home! I can't remember his name, you know, the one who stormed off and stamped his foot during Mia's contemporary routine in Vegas a season or two ago. Anyway, I was just calling him "Douche Guy" and I was afraid he would make it for squealing-teen-appeal. But they cut him! And he was, typically, a douche about it. Didn't say "Thanks" or "Congrats" to the other dude, just set his jaw and looked like, well, a douche. Anyhow. Enough about him. The other one I was really glad to see get eliminated was Nathalia, the plus-size dancer (whose sister Sasha DID make it.) Now, on the off chance that ANYONE other than me is reading this, let me assure you Random Unknown Reader, that I am probably twice the size of Nathalia. This is NOT a fat-hating thing. I'm fat! This is the solid fact that a girl that size cannot successfully partner with anyone other than a big strong dude. That's not how the show works (and they eliminated the Professor.) I admire her dancing, but she was not right for the show's format and I was disgusted how they patronized her and strung her along.

Thoughts on the Top 20
OK, so who did make it? I like Melanie a lot. Did you see that little sailor dress she was wearing? Adorable. Ryan is clearly the "feel good" contestant. She got totally fucked last season when Lil C came to her house and told her she didn't make it. That was a horrifying format. So glad that's done. Anyhow. I also like the little Broadway kid Jess. Yeah, he's probably an arrogant little prick, but he's 18 and look at how good he is. He has a right to be proud of himself.

I pulled the list from here because I don't know all their names yet.


1. Melanie Moore – Contemporary

2. Miranda Maleski – Contemporary

3. Ryan Ramirez – Contemporary

4. Jordan Casanova – Jazz

5. Sasha Mallory – Contemporary/Hip Hop

6. Ashley Rich – Contemporary

7. Caitlyn Lawson – Contemporary

8. Iveta Lukosiute – Ballroom

9. Missy Morelli – Contemporary Jazz

10. Clarice Ordaz – Jazz


1. Ricky Jaime – Contemporary

2. Marko Germar – Contemporary/Jazz/Hip Hop

3. Jess LeProtto – Musical Theatre/Broadway

4. Robert Taylor Jr. – Hip Hop

5. Nick Young – Tap

6. Tadd Gadduang – Breaking

7. Chris Koehl – Hip Hop/Breaker

8. Wadi Jones – Hip Hop/Breaker

9. Alexander F. – Ballet

10. Mitchell – Contemporary

The Top 20 Show
Loved the new format! It's far better than stringing out the reveals for an hour with heart-wrenching stories in between. Also, as I said above, a very welcome change from last year's travel to the house bullshit. (Although I remember being quite amused by Nigel's odyssey in Waupakaneta or however you spell that hick nowhere town Kent was from...)
The routines were quite cool. Anything by Travis and Sonya makes me cheer. Not so much Dave Scott's hip-hop routine. I loved that "Matrix" routine with all the guys and Sonya's routine for the girls was spectacular. Love, love, love!
Cat's dress was nice, but I wasn't a fan of all that Battenburg lace. A wee bit bridal for me. And Cat, we call it a bow tie in America. "Dicky bow" just sounds dirty and Travis was clearly bewildered until he sorted out what you meant! And you finally have a competitor for best legs on the show! Woah, Iveta!
Do you think those diamonds on Mary Murphy were real? Holy shit.
OK, I think that about covers it. I'll get some screen shots going soon.